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Welcome to the 3D Content Database Official Site | 3D Content Database Tools
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Welcome to the 3D Content Database Official Site


So, you’ve just got you’re hands on version two of the 3d Content Database and you’re wondering what’s coming up.

The first thing to do is to make sure you register. Registering makes sure that we can get news to you quickly and easily… we are not so naive as to thing that you’ll check back here every few days on the off chance that there’ll be something new!

The look of things

This is a temporary (okay it’s the default) front for the website, I was intending to get a prettier image for it before the product hit the store but other things (as usual) got in the way, I take full blame for this one!

I will be making changes to give a nicer view of things soon (but hopefully quicker than a DAZ soon).

What to expect

Orcasoul has been a very busy beaver working on new history capture scripts for different stores, and is making excellent progress on these, although one store has just changed it’s format and so he is having to rework that one again! Most frustrating that is.

As you may have found when you have discontinued items in your purchase history there are no details or images available; I’m hoping that we might be able to arrange a collection of the details for those missing items and make it available through this website —- it would only be available to registered users though since if we were to make the details generally available we might be treading on very dodgy copyright ground. The details would be made available as xml files to import straight into your 3DCDB.

What we need

This is going to be a two way thing: none of us are rich and we cannot afford to build extensive purchase histories at all the different stores, so when developing different scripts we will need volunteers who have sizeable purchase histories who will be prepared to help out by running test scripts and sending the results back to us for analysis. Nothing like password or credit card numbers or anything like that would be revealed, just enough detail to allow us to work out how to glean the right information.

We would also like to hear what you think: suggestions for other scripts (the worst we can do is say no); suggestions for other things that the database might do —- ii-3D has said that she hasn’t any plans to produce a version three, but if people can identify sufficient additional features and reasons for such to be developed then perhaps she could be persuaded! :)


There is an RSS newsfeed attached to this site, so you should be able to spot when anything is updated… but it won’t tell you when I’ve made it pretty.

1 Comments for Welcome to the 3D Content Database Official Site

  1. YourSunshineGirl said,

    Mar 1, 02:29 pm #

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